Employees with children who are Struggling​

With Arne Nielsson

Morning meeting in Copenhagen, Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

Cocuura & Friends
- employees with children who are not doing well

Come along to the Cocuura & Friends morning meeting in Copenhagen on Tuesday 12 November at 7.30 – 9.00. We offer coffee and a croissant, but most of all good company.

This time, we will focus on employees with children who are struggling. Because in a time when more and more children and young people experience dissatisfaction, it is not only them who are affected. Whenever a child is having a hard time, there are typically also two parents who stand on the sidelines – often powerless and challenged.

We provide a good warm-up before we welcome the former Olympic canoeist and current author and lecturer Arne Nielsson, who will focus on employees with children who are not doing well.

Young people today face a range of challenges that can lead to distress and a feeling of being overwhelmed by life. Society places high demands on performance, both in school and at work, while social media creates unrealistic pressure to live up to idealized images of success and happiness. Many young people feel caught between the desire to fit in and the need to find their own path.

Arne Nielsson focuses on a new approach to parenting, especially when it comes to teenagers. At the meeting, he will provide practical advice and tools on how you, as a parent, can help your children take responsibility for their own choices, strengthen their self-confidence, and find their own path in life.

Tuesday, November 12.

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

  • 7:00 AM: Registration opens. Coffee and croissant.
  • 7:30 AM: Welcome by Cocuura’s two founders.
  • 8:00 AM: Arne Nielsson – Employees with Children Who Are Struggling.
  • 8:30 AM: Fear of confrontation
  • 9:00 AM: Thank you for today.
It is free of charge. In case of no-show without cancellation, a no-show fee of DKK 300 will be charged.

See you at:

Dirch Passers Alle 36
2000 Frederiksberg

Would you like to join the morning meeting?

The registration deadline is Wednesday, November 6.

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Kom med til Cocuura & Friends

Gå hjem-møde i København torsdag den 6. marts kl. 16:30 – 18:00.

Mød specialist i sports- & præstationspsykologi, Jakob Hansen, som vil gøre os klogere på hvordan vi opnår mental styrke i teamet.

Har du kollegaer, der også har lyst til at deltage, kan du nemt tilmelde flere.

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Log In

When you log in, you enter My Cocuura, where you get an overview of the entire universe. To give you a better overview the content is divided according to the member types: the manager, the colleague and the person with critical illness. You can choose videos from the profile that suits you best or explore the entire universe.

Join our launch event

Join our launch event in Vejle on Friday 31 May 2024, where we will introduce our new expert, youth researcher Søren Østergaard.

Learn more about the young generations and good cooperation in the workplace. Watch the new videos on the big screen and ask questions to the talented youth researcher.
It is free to join

If you have colleagues who also want to participate, you can easily register more. In case of no-show without cancellation, a no-show fee of DKK 300 will be charged.

Cocuura & Livets krøllede vej


Hvornår har du sidst oplevet berøringsangst på arbejdspladsen?
I vores talkshow Cocuura & Livets krøllede vej drøfter vores gæster eksempler på hverdagens berøringsangst.

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