Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First
- Best Possible Physical Condition

With Mark Abildhauge
Free webinar with Mark Abildhauge

We know that we can only be of help to others when we ourselves are doing well – that’s why it’s important to find ways to keep ourselves in the best possible physical condition, even when our attention is often focused on the needs of others.

If, for example, your child is struggling, or your spouse is dealing with stress, you need to be extra supportive for them. At the same time, daily life continues to demand the same things: work needs to be managed, food needs to be put on the table, and laundry needs to be done. Are you forgetting about yourself in the process?

Through this webinar, you will receive practical advice, exercises, and strategies to strengthen both your physical and mental health, enabling you to stand stronger in a daily life filled with demands from both the workplace and your personal life.

The webinar was held on September 24, 2024.

Watch the webinar on-demand

Mark Abildhauge har mange års erfaring inden for sundhed og bevægelse. Han har specialiseret sig i at hjælpe mennesker med at forbedre deres fysiske velbefindende. Mark arbejder med et bredt spektrum af klienter, lige fra dem der har brug for rehabilitering efter skader, til personer, der ønsker at optimere deres kropsfunktion og forbedre deres fysiske forfatning.

After the webinar, you have received:
  • Concrete and tangible advice for managing stressful situations concerning our physical health.

  • Insight into the importance of taking care of yourself and your physical health.

  • Facts about what it means to be in the risk zone for stress and anxiety, among other things.

  • Examples of manageable exercises that you can do in the car, at work, on a walk, etc.

Free webinar with Mark Abildhauge

We know that we can only be of help to others when we ourselves are doing well – that’s why it’s important to find ways to keep ourselves in the best possible physical condition, even when our attention is often focused on the needs of others.

If, for example, your child is struggling, or your spouse is dealing with stress, you need to be extra supportive for them. At the same time, daily life continues to demand the same things: work needs to be managed, food needs to be put on the table, and laundry needs to be done. Are you forgetting about yourself in the process?

Through this webinar, you will receive practical advice, exercises, and strategies to strengthen both your physical and mental health, enabling you to stand stronger in a daily life filled with demands from both the workplace and your personal life.

The webinar was held on September 24, 2024.

Watch the webinar on-demand

Mark Abildhauge har mange års erfaring inden for sundhed og bevægelse. Han har specialiseret sig i at hjælpe mennesker med at forbedre deres fysiske velbefindende. Mark arbejder med et bredt spektrum af klienter, lige fra dem der har brug for rehabilitering efter skader, til personer, der ønsker at optimere deres kropsfunktion og forbedre deres fysiske forfatning.

After the webinar, you have received:
  • Concrete and tangible advice for managing stressful situations concerning our physical health.

  • Insight into the importance of taking care of yourself and your physical health.

  • Facts about what it means to be in the risk zone for stress and anxiety, among other things.

  • Examples of manageable exercises that you can do in the car, at work, on a walk, etc.

Mark Abildhauge webinar_thumbnail

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