YouSay lecture


Lecture by the founders of Cocuura – Lena Boel and Mads Hansen. The partners Lena Boel and Mads Hansen were both at the peak of their careers when a cancer diagnosis put a stick in the wheel of their careers. Both felt on their own body how difficult it was for both employees, managers and colleagues around them to relate to their diagnosis.


How close can you get as a manager and how do you show your support? And what do you say when a good colleague is in the middle of the struggle of his life – fighting cancer, other critical illness or a life crisis? It is difficult – and perhaps you choose not to say anything at all?

Since 2017, the partners have helped companies dealing with the difficult human situations that often occur when critical illness and serious life crises hit the workplace.


The lecture #WhatDoYouSay focuses on the company’s “internal relatives” and prepares managers and colleagues to lead and articulate the difficult topics that accompany when an employee gets a cancer diagnosis or faces other critical illness.

Photo: Mette Mørk



Where Lena Boel finds her experience in business, Mads Hansen is at home in elite sports. With experience and parallels from both worlds, they provide best practice examples and very concrete tools that will help companies, the worlds of sports and business to be better prepared when an employee or player is affected by cancer or other critical illness.

#WhatDoYouSay is based on the main characters’ own experiences as well as interviews with managers and coaches from the business comunity and the world of sports respectively.


Through lectures targeted at companies, business networks and the sports world, Lena Boel and Mads Hansen articulate the taboo, the fear of confrontation and bias that they have both experienced. They also give their take on how the taboo is brought to an end.
In addition to lectures, workshops and direct sparring on possible issues are also offered.

Contact us to find out more

Write to info@cocuura.com or contact us directly on +45 70 20 52 50

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When you log in, you enter My Cocuura, where you get an overview of the entire universe. To give you a better overview the content is divided according to the member types: the manager, the colleague and the person with critical illness. You can choose videos from the profile that suits you best or explore the entire universe.

Join our launch event

Join our launch event in Vejle on Friday 31 May 2024, where we will introduce our new expert, youth researcher Søren Østergaard.

Learn more about the young generations and good cooperation in the workplace. Watch the new videos on the big screen and ask questions to the talented youth researcher.
It is free to join

If you have colleagues who also want to participate, you can easily register more. In case of no-show without cancellation, a no-show fee of DKK 300 will be charged.

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