

We articulate what everyone thinks, but no one dares to say out loud

Critical illness and severe life crises affect not only the afflicted, but also all the people around them. Many unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations can arise along the way

In Cocuura’s digital learning universe, all the company’s internal relationships find concrete help for the difficult human situations that may arise. We help you get rid of the fear of confrontation and instead find the courage to express what everyone thinks, but no one dares to say out loud.

Our short learning videos provide tangible advice and very concrete solutions for how to handle the before, during and after critical illness or serious life crises.

Here you will find both inspiration to prevent and increase the physical, mental and emotional health at work and concrete help when the crisis has occurred.

Help anywhere, anytime

All videos are summarized with Key Take aways, which is also available in a pdf file, so it’s easy to save or print out the good advice. Likewise, all videos can also be heard as podcast (Danish only). Your employees can therefore choose the format that suits the individual.

It should be easy and quick to get help – even in a busy everyday life, help is always at hand. All learning and inspiration can be seen again and again – anywhere and anytime.

Below you can see and example of one of the e-learning videos. In this video, Daniel Svensson gives advice about how managers kan support employees who are either critically ill or undergoing a life crisis.

An example of a learning video to you,
who are a manager

Situational and visible leadership in pressure situations

Past experience and good management tools are an advantage when things get tough. But understanding what the employee who is in crisis understands, is just as important.

An example of a learning video to you,
who are in a crisis

Wishes and opportunities

All illnesses and life crises are different. We sadly don’t have a check list but we want to give you 5 good advice for your considerations about the possibilities and the wishes for working during your illness – because maybe work can actually do something good for you, even in the middle of a life crisis.

An example of a learning video to you,
who are a colleague

How you can have a positive impact on a colleague who is ill

When one of your colleagues has gotten ill, it puts demands on you and how you approach your colleague.

An example of a learning video
"before the crisis"

Why is a healthy and active lifestyle at work important?

About half of all illness and early death is due to our lifestyle, primarily in terms of diet, alcohol, smoking and exercise. An unhealthy lifestyle affects physical and mental health and is responsible for many days of sick leave as well as early retirement. Wear and tear can be greatly avoided if the workplace focuses on the possibility of healthy living – and not least be active during working hours.

An example of a learning video
"during the crisis"

What do you say?
It is positive if your colleague to some extent wants to come and visit your company. But the first meeting can be difficult for both you and your colleague. It is a difficult situation because, what the do you say to someone fighting for their life?

An example of a learning video
"after the crisis"

Support for rehabilitation

If your employee is returning to the workplace after a long illness, it may not be quite ”back to normal” yet. Your employee may be facing a longer rehabilitation course that you need to take into account.

A common language

With a membership, all company employees get full access to the entire universe. We believe that a common understanding and a common language help to open up the dialogue – even when it is difficult. The videos can be watched alone or together with colleagues, so that everyone has the same tools and a common reference that can help them open up about the difficult things.

Help to all internal relations of the company

Whether you are a manager, colleague or you yourself are facing a life crisis, difficult human situations will arise. However, the need for advice and sparring may vary. Therefore, all content is divided into three different tracks targeted respectively towards managers, colleagues and the affected person. Here, members can quickly find relevant videos for specific problems, or explore the entire universe.

Competent advice

We work with strong profiles from the business, sports and healthcare worlds, all of whom have a relevant background and knowledge to increase physical, mental and emotional health at work.

We believe that healthy employees provide healthier businesses. And that if we dare to articulate the difficult things in life, we also increase the emotional health at work. It is both a human and financial gain.
Therefore, our expert panel has been carefully selected with competencies that can cover the entire human being.

The experts share their knowledge, give concrete advice and suggestions for solutions, inspire and share their own experiences.
All to get healthier employees, so you’re stronger the day the bomb drops.

Direct help for specific situations

No two courses of illness or life crises are the same, and there is no list of correct answers. All cases are quite special and must be handled in the situation. With a membership, the company’s employees can contact Cocuura and get direct 1:1 sparring for specific situations.

If you need to us to visit the company and talk to affected departments, a manager or individual employees, there is also the opportunity to purchase this specific help.

Do away with fear of confrontation and get healthier employees.

With a membership, all employees get unlimited access to the entire Cocuura digital learning universe – for less than the price of a cup of coffee once a month.
Yearly discount: 20%

Normal price DKK 25, save 20% by paying yearly. 

DKK 20 kr./month

Price per employee, per month excl. VAT. Billed annually.
The discount is valid when choosing yearly payment. 

  • Full access to all learning videos with expert advice, Key Take aways and podcasts
  • Possibility to get direct help in specific situations
  • Cocuura starter kit with help to open the dialogue
  • 1 x #whatdoyousay lecture* worth DKK 25,000
  • Articles, information, consulting, webinars, lectures, events, etc.

All prices are excluding VAT.
The discount is given when choosing yearly payment. 
*Online lectures. If you are more than 200 employees, you can choose to have the lecture held live at the workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you’ll receive an invoice when you sign up, and again when the amount is being charged.

Yes, you can pay with both Visa/Dankort, Visa and Mastercard. We do not accept only Dankort as our payment provider does not support this.

Yes, you can pay with both Visa/Dankort, Visa and Mastercard. We do not accept only Dankort as our payment provider does not support this.

Cocuura is also available in English. Once you are logged in to My Cocuura, you can select English in the upper right corner of the screen. All pages and take aways are translated, and videos are subtitled in English.

Book a demo

Are you curious about how Cocuura can strengthen the relations and increase the wellbeing and health in your workplace?

Do you want to see, how the digital learning universe is built?

Or does your company have specific needs that we should discuss?


Book half an hour meeting with Mads, who will give you an introduction and discuss your needs and wishes.

If you have a specific crisis or need help immediately, please don’t hesitate to contact us on telephone 70 20 52 50 or e-mail help@cocuura.com

Log In

Når du logger ind, kommer du ind til Mit Cocuura, hvor du får overblik over hele læringsuniverset. Indholdet er delt op efter medlemstyperne; leder, kollega og sygdomsramt for at give dig et bedre overblik. Du kan vælge videoer ud fra den profil, der passer bedst til dig eller gå på opdagelse i hele universet.

Log In

When you log in, you enter My Cocuura, where you get an overview of the entire universe. To give you a better overview the content is divided according to the member types: the manager, the colleague and the person with critical illness. You can choose videos from the profile that suits you best or explore the entire universe.

Join our launch event

Join our launch event in Vejle on Friday 31 May 2024, where we will introduce our new expert, youth researcher Søren Østergaard.

Learn more about the young generations and good cooperation in the workplace. Watch the new videos on the big screen and ask questions to the talented youth researcher.
It is free to join

If you have colleagues who also want to participate, you can easily register more. In case of no-show without cancellation, a no-show fee of DKK 300 will be charged.

Cocuura & Livets krøllede vej


Hvornår har du sidst oplevet berøringsangst på arbejdspladsen?
I vores talkshow Cocuura & Livets krøllede vej drøfter vores gæster eksempler på hverdagens berøringsangst.

Har du en situation, som vores gæster skal drøfte, modtager vi den meget gerne.

  • Beskriv situationen, hvor du oplevede berøringsangst.
  • Hvad var svært?
  • Hvad ønsker du, at vi skal drøfte?
  • Nævn gerne, hvis du ønsker, at dit og virksomhedens navn er anonymt.

Vi gør dit eksempel anonymt og behandler din information med fortrolighed. Dit og virksomhedens navn nævnes ikke, hvis du ikke ønsker det.

Vi kontakter dig muligvis med uddybende spørgsmål, så vi får rammesat casen helt rigtigt.