Cocuura & Friends

With Jakob Hansen

Join us for Cocuura & Friends go-home meeting in Copenhagen thursday March 6th 16.30 PM – 18.00 PM.

With Cocuura & Friends, we aim to open up difficult dialogues and help each other overcome the fear of addressing sensitive topics.

We will start with a warm-up before welcoming sports and performance psychology specialist, Jakob Hansen, som vil sætte fokus på mental styrke i teamet.

For the fourth time in a row, the Danish men’s handball team became world champions. A powerhouse performance that has led journalists to look beyond the handball court in search of an explanation for these incredible results.

Hvad er det for en kultur, de har opnået? Hvordan fungerer de som team? Hvordan tager de imod nye spillere på holdet?

And how do they keep a cool head, stay motivated, and support each other while spending over a month inside the World Championship bubble?

Winning the World Championship gold isn’t just about the number of saves and goals—it’s also about the ability to find mental strength under pressure.

And it’s not just in handball that a mentally strong team makes a difference in both results and enjoyment along the way. The same is very much true in the workplace.

But how do we build a mentally strong team?

What does it take from each individual employee? And how can we support each other when, sooner or later, we face pressure—whether as a team or as individual “players”?

Jakob Hansen, a specialist in sports and performance psychology, works on developing mental strength in top athletes, performers, employees, and leaders. At Cocuura & Friends, Jakob will share valuable and practical tools to help your team build collective mental strength.
How can you cultivate a mentally strong culture, and what should you do when the pressure rises within the team?

Thursday, March 6, 2025

4:30 PM – 6:00 PM

    • 4:00 PM: Registration opens. Coffee and cake.
    • 4:30 PM: Welcome
    • 5:00 PM: “Mental Strength in the Team” with Jakob Hansen
    • 5:30 PM: Everyday Fear of Difficult Conversations.
    • 6:00 PM: Thank you for today.
    It is free of charge. In case of no-show without cancellation, a no-show fee of DKK 300 will be charged.

See you at:

Dirch Passers Allé 36

2000 Frederiksberg

Would you like to join the go-home meeting?

The registration deadline is Monday, March 3rd, at 12:00 PM.

It takes courage to care

Have you also realized that a good lunch plan is no longer enough to attract and retain employees? The new generations want to be involved, their jobs need to be meaningful, and they want to be part of a strong community.

A strong culture with good relationships is a valuable competitive advantage, but it cannot be created overnight. If you manage to create a safe work environment where employees trust their leaders and colleagues—and feel comfortable discussing difficult topics—you will see it reflected in their well-being, health, sense of community, and the bottom line.

We will all experience life’s twists and turns. Anxiety, stress, depression, accidents, deaths, addiction, and serious illness can affect your employees or their loved ones. No one is exempt.

Discomfort with sensitive topics can creep in when unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations arise. How you handle these difficult situations affects employee well-being and health, and it also has a significant impact on your company’s reputation.

Cocuura helps you create an open and honest culture with strong relationships—benefiting both well-being, health, and the bottom line.

Kom med til Cocuura & Friends

Gå hjem-møde i København torsdag den 6. marts kl. 16:30 – 18:00.

Mød specialist i sports- & præstationspsykologi, Jakob Hansen, som vil gøre os klogere på hvordan vi opnår mental styrke i teamet.

Har du kollegaer, der også har lyst til at deltage, kan du nemt tilmelde flere.

Log In

Når du logger ind, kommer du ind til Mit Cocuura, hvor du får overblik over hele læringsuniverset. Indholdet er delt op efter medlemstyperne; leder, kollega og sygdomsramt for at give dig et bedre overblik. Du kan vælge videoer ud fra den profil, der passer bedst til dig eller gå på opdagelse i hele universet.

Log In

When you log in, you enter My Cocuura, where you get an overview of the entire universe. To give you a better overview the content is divided according to the member types: the manager, the colleague and the person with critical illness. You can choose videos from the profile that suits you best or explore the entire universe.

Join our launch event

Join our launch event in Vejle on Friday 31 May 2024, where we will introduce our new expert, youth researcher Søren Østergaard.

Learn more about the young generations and good cooperation in the workplace. Watch the new videos on the big screen and ask questions to the talented youth researcher.
It is free to join

If you have colleagues who also want to participate, you can easily register more. In case of no-show without cancellation, a no-show fee of DKK 300 will be charged.

Cocuura & Livets krøllede vej


Hvornår har du sidst oplevet berøringsangst på arbejdspladsen?
I vores talkshow Cocuura & Livets krøllede vej drøfter vores gæster eksempler på hverdagens berøringsangst.

Har du en situation, som vores gæster skal drøfte, modtager vi den meget gerne.

  • Beskriv situationen, hvor du oplevede berøringsangst.
  • Hvad var svært?
  • Hvad ønsker du, at vi skal drøfte?
  • Nævn gerne, hvis du ønsker, at dit og virksomhedens navn er anonymt.

Vi gør dit eksempel anonymt og behandler din information med fortrolighed. Dit og virksomhedens navn nævnes ikke, hvis du ikke ønsker det.

Vi kontakter dig muligvis med uddybende spørgsmål, så vi får rammesat casen helt rigtigt.